Before i introduce the trick u must see some Important and Basic steps while completing Surveys like Disabling Download Manager or cleaning Cookies.

 The offer which i am going to show is the American Prize Centre offer in cleanfiles.
American Prize Centre Survey is the most popular Survey and is avilable on Most Survey providing sites.

So you can use the same trick here to bypass the APC offer.

The survey will be APC but the offer name can be different.
Like in fileice APC survey comes with offer name as 
"Get Ps4" or "Khol's Valentine  $100 offer ".

The offer can be avilable with different name but the trick will be used same for every APC survey.

So Let's Start :- 

Open your cleanfiles link and Click on Download. A list of Offers will be displayed.

You can choose any APC offer.

Now American Prize centre will be opened and it will ask you some questions answer those questions and Submitt an email.
You can use your real email or Fake mail from :- 
Fakenamegenerator and click Continue.

It will now ask for some primary information fill it and click continue.

Fill the information like i have filed.

You will be asked for a phone number in the next step. Fill anything in the Phone number and click Continue.

A new page will open.

Close the tab and refresh the cleanfiles link. After refreshing open the Download option and click the same offer.

It will give an error or open NationalConsumerCentre and you download will unlock.

Done !! The cleanfiles survey has been bypassed.

Video Tutorial of the Trick


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  1. Plz Bro Give new Trick of CleanFiles...... PLZ Bro
    ;( ;( ;(

    1. cheer
      Abhishek The above trick is working for Cleanfiles yet. This offer is not blocked but while completing this survey sometime your file didn't unlocks.
      Then try the same trick after clearing cookies (Run ccleaner ) and then try.
      And if you want new trick then definetly I have.
      The trick is not new but working always since a long time. The offer name might be different in cleanfiles but the survey will be same.
      The survey will be of LifeScript Advantage. and offer name might be "Enter for free lotion Samples".
      In this offfer :-
      1 . Enter an email and click submit.
      2 . Then it will redirect to new page.
      If the download didn't start till then,
      Refresh the cleanfiles Link and Click on Download.
      Your Download will start.

      I will post the new trick with video tutorial but it's in the comment box because you Requested it.

    2. bro i did it the way u said but the download didnt come...plz new trick if u have,,pz,,or could u get it for me link is send it to my account bro

    3. Yeah, your problem is true. The PPD sites are blocking the tricks very soon as we publish them.
      The APN survey is also not unlocking the files. But it works only sometimes.
      So,, keep trying and for your file i would like to say that the jilyse survey seems similar to cleanfiles but is tuff so not easy to complete.
      But i will try your survey and try best to do that.

    4. First of alll thku for replying me bro..yes true!! the surveys are getting even more harder...and sorry bro forgive me tats not the link ,,there is a little mistake there is the actual one..actually this file is only 1 mb and it is WARTUNe hack tool..the above link is wrong this is the real one.. tried to unlcok this so much but one time it tried to unlock but it came with a error saying proxy is refusing connection so it failed again...BRo plz try to get this file for me..I beg u bro..i will wait ,,u can take ur time...finger crossed..plz bro ;(plz for God sake...

    5. Okay i will try to solve your survey.
      And the problem you got with error :- "Proxy is refusing connection" that problem you can get if you are using Proxies.
      So the solution is :-

      1. Try a different proxy for USA ip.
      2. Use Hotspot Shield VPN. Hotspot shiled can give you USA ip easily.

    6. Thku so muchh...tat word is enough for me.. "I WILL TRY" thnks a lot,,plz do so,,i will be waiting for my file,,,(especially for u sweet reply) :)....

    7. Premium crack works...any sucess.. ;( ...did u unlock it...its been many days,,,plz if u unlocked it then plz send it to my account send it..i cant wait anymore..u undstand,, ;(

    8. Yeah it took some time. But success at the end .

      :::::::::::::::::::: You Direct Link for the survey ::::::::::::::::::::

    9. OMG!!!!.....I love u>>thku so so so so so so so so much....u r the best premium crack ever...i cant express my feelings lol..i might cry.....i needded this file so much...u helped me...may god bless ur whole team and prosper u all.....and best of luck in ur new tricks,,,which always works like charm..... :) i will be always checking out ur website and suggest others too..grt guys... x-)

    10. (h)
      It seems to be pleasure for us to bring happiness to you. Hope you had Enjoyed a lot.

  2. dude can you help me to direct link this one, im really confuse to bypass survey on cleanfiles.. i try with ip uk, but the download link still not opened and got survey again after completing survey

    1. Yeah the tricks go on blocking. So you might have problem.

  3. EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to fill in the surveys with information, even all the way to the end, I can't get my download; ever. Why is that? .I managed to get the download, but I can't bypass the survey to get the password; could you help me?

    1. . Here's the link to the password-survey thing

    2. Fileam Surveys | Tried that but result was negative.

  4. help for my link
    thx before

  5. Hi guys, can you unlock this file ..anyway thans in advance

  6. Please unlock this for me!

  7. Can you please unlock this for me please

